

On this night in history (Easter eve), people were heading to bed deeply disappointed.

Although most went to bed believing Jesus to be a liar or a lunatic, those who thought He was Lord… were disillusioned.  They struggled on this night to wrap their head around the reality that the person in whom they had appointed their trust…was dead.

They were deeply disappointed.  They had been sure that Jesus would establish an earthly kingdom. But He didn’t.

Today, many of are are also disappointed.  We had been so sure that God was going to do something for us. But He didn’t.

Take heart.  God’s plan was very different, and superior to what they believed it would be.

Although it may be hard to trust…Trust Him anyway.  His plan is very different, and superior to what you believe it will be.


Have We Missed The Point With “Noah?”


It’s not about Noah, the animals or the environment. The point of the story is the rescue boat.

As Christians, we are quick to point out how the movie got it wrong.  Admit it, we have probably missed the point as well.

Nobody was rescued from the overwhelming flood without the wooden ark (not even “well-behaved, Noah”).

None of us are rescued from our own overwhelming sin without Jesus’ death on a wooden cross.

The hero of the story used Noah to provide a boat as the only way to escape the flood then. The hero of our story tells us that Jesus is the only way to escape the penalty of sin now.

The ark was the only means of rescue back then, Jesus is the only way now. There was (and is) no other effective alternative.

The people should have run to the boat back then.  It’s time for each us to run to Jesus now.

Instead of condemning the movie for its miss-takes, use this opportunity to promote what they missed.